Family Photo Sessions
Every family is unique and every year is different. As we grow, we learn to be thankful for what each year brings knowing that everything can change in a second. A photo holds a lot of power, allowing us to get through the hard times by remembering those good ones that make it all worth it. I think we all know that one photo we have with our parent when we were little that we cherish forever. A single portrait session with your child can give them a lifetime of good memories with you.
"A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss... That's the trade-off. But I'll take it all." — Brad Pitt
Meet my Family
These are my friends, cousins, parents, and all the threads that come with making connections to other families. I have had the honor of taking their photos over the years. Through these images, I have found love in my heart for each and every one.
When I was 15, I lost my brother suddenly in an auto accident. In that moment, I lost my ability to form attachment to people having this wake up call that they could leave forever at any moment. Photography has been a huge catalyst for me in forming connection and building attachment to my loved ones. I can reflect on these pictures daily and remember these beautiful moments that can't be recreated.
My family has a long history, with over 200 years in Texas as a ranching family on both sides, they were prominent ranchers, educators, leaders, doctors, lawyers, and writers, I come from a long line of people who made big impacts on their communities and pushed through societal norms. Through my photography, I hope to keep that legacy going for generations, because that is what makes us who we are.